
Thursday, July 24, 2008

Every Mother's Dream

Gabi, now four, is becoming quite the little smart-ass.

And, seriously? This is one of the most fun stages of her development ever!

Last night we headed to the store for some chicken sausage, and on the way we had a very interesting conversation about, well, about something I don't remember. But it was a fun conversation, and I remember that we were having a good time.

And then Gabi piped up from the backseat, "Now you be quiet now, you hear?" in the very same tone I use when I'm scolding her.

I turned back in shock to see her face full of mischief. Which, upon seeing me, immediately started to twist into nervous apprehension. I could see her brain working, and she wasn't painting a very pretty picture for herself.

Normally I would scold her if she used that kind of tone with me or tried to boss me. I am the mother, you know. But this time? I couldn't help myself. I busted out in laughter.

Now it was Gabi's turn to be shocked, but she soon joined in the laughing fit (I'm sure quite relieved at the direction things had gone). And we laughed all the way to the store, and then some more in the parking lot.

As we sat there laughing, and realized if anyone was looking, all they would see was some crazy woman laughing her head off all alone in the front seat of her car. All of my back windows are tinted, and Gabi was hidden from view.

It was totally worth it, even though my sanity's reputation is already on the line. And made me realize how much more we need to laugh together. It felt so good.

I'm hoping that Gabi's new smart-assness is really just the beginning stages of a sharp and witty sense of humor. Wouldn't that be awesome?

Well, a mom can hope, right?


  1. I'm always a little shocked when my kids sound just like me. Kind of scary!

  2. That is why the 4 years old are my favorites! ;)

    And no, unfortunately I can't go to Kyle's boot amp graduation! It's on July 31st and besides my semester at college is starting on July 28th, I can't ford the ticket or have the visa right now! I wll just have to be proud and happy for him by distance and hope that soon we can see each other! :)

  3. honey that is too perfect!!

    sometimes thats all a mama can do - everyone needs a good giggle fest now and then :)

  4. My son is starting to repeat certain phrases that I say and in the same tone. Sometimes I can't help but laugh hearing it come out of that little body.
    A great sense of humor is a wonderful characteristic to hope for your children. When used properly it is wonderful for their self esteem.

  5. The sassiness increases with maturity...girls are naturally gifted with it.

  6. It is definitely a sign of a burgeoing wittiness. Unfortunately that smart-aleckiness will try your patience x 10 when it's coming from a teenager. Of course, you'll laugh a lot too.

  7. How fun! 4-year-olds are absolutely priceless. I'm so glad that you took the opportunity to enjoy a moment with your child :) So often in life we forget to take time for the little things that mean so much in the long run.

  8. I love it! I have three and sometimes laughter can find its way into being a solution. Great post!

  9. I love when they catch you off guard like that and all you can do is laugh and that just makes them laugh and laugh.

  10. Too funny!! I think she is going to be quite the funny one :) I can't wait for more posts like this :)

  11. Oh how I love moments like those!

    I appreciate you taking the time to visit my blog when I was featured on SITS. I look forward to many more visits. Off to read more.

  12. Muirne tells me how to drive. She is 5 going on 15. The next ten years should be F U N fun!

  13. Yes, I can so relate. My almost 3 year old comes up with some of those smart allecky comments, too Sometimes it's best just to laugh.
    Yesterday, I actually licked my finger to clean off her face (which I swore I would never do) and she retaliated by licking her finger and wiping it on my face. The turd!

    Thanks for stopping by today! It's been fun being SITS queen for a day.

  14. My Peanut is only 15 months and I can already see it coming. He rolls his eyes - honest to god - when we tell him no, and he laughs & gloats when he gets his way. It's going to be a loooong 18 years. :)

  15. Now those are the moments that "make" life! I am a firm believer that we all need to laugh a lot more and take ourselves seriously a lot less!

  16. Oh yeah.. get ready. Sometimes, my brat cracks me up sounding like me. And I think it's the best :)

  17. It's hard not to laugh when they do this stuff ;)
    And I'd risk my sanity reputation (if I still have one) to strangers any day for a good laugh with my kids!

  18. I love that she was scared of your response! That's hilarious! And, it's good you were able to laugh this one off. Hopefully, it isn't an every day occurance.

  19. OMG Laurel...ME TOO!! Matty said to us the other day "I'm right. You're wrong. AND THAT'S ENOUGH OF THAT!!!"

    I about died laughing!!!

  20. That is too funny! Last week, my 2 y/o was singing the ABCs in the car. It was probably after the third or fourth time around when she stopped and said, "Come on guys, sing with me!" to my husband and I sitting in the front seat. We immediately started singing, while laughing hysterically.


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